Greater Reality Forum
RV... What is not an illusion?

Message written by

December 13, 2014 at 10:00:03:

I also want to thank you for the RV targets, especially for the object!

I perceived the object as an intrusive imagery even BEFORE starting the session for it! I didn't consciously know I was going to start a session for the object at all, and I still perceived fragments from it, while performing other sessions. In fact, I didn't still know about your website (consciously)! I considered these bits as an AOL or imagination at first...

When I finally started the RV session for the object and later received feedback (i.e. saw the picture), I was flabbergasted!!! I guess my subconscious was attracted to this strong emotion and presented me with data bits ahead of time.

So how does my subconscious know what I am going to do in an hour?! If TIME is an illusion and SPACE is an illusion, what is not an illusion?!?!

I am a physics major and I work as a computer programmer and up until now my worldview was pretty "restricted"(?). I am still trying to make sense of reality after I discovered RV.


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