Greater Reality Forum
Re: frustration

Message written by

January 10, 2015 at 10:37:12:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
January 08, 2015 at 11:31:14:

Hi Kim,

If people aren't receptive to what you have to say, don't feel you need to talk about it. You have your own, personal relationship with the universe. Others don't have to be involved at all. You can still be loving, kind, and compassionate to them. Don't have expectations for anything in return. They may not understand you or your insights into life. Don't expect them to. Live with them on the level of regard and love, not on the level of beliefs.

Be open, Kim. That's very important. When you're open, you can receive messages, guidance, and encouragement from your guides, helpers, loved ones, and the Source. If you shut your ears by embracing a set of beliefs, you shut down the flow of love and information from sources outside of yourself. You must be an empty cup. You will be filled. If you go through life as a full cup, filled with a belief system, regardless of what that is, then there is no room for what they want to bring to you. Be open and empty. Be receptive and listen. What you need in your life will be given to you.

Love and peace, Craig


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