Greater Reality Forum
Re: remote viewing

Message written by

January 26, 2015 at 09:06:16:

In Reply to
remote viewing
posted by
kim marine
January 24, 2015 at 10:20:33:

Hi Kim,

You wrote, "When I see things in my mind that later manifest here on earth is that a form of remote viewing?"

Everything that ever was and ever will be, anywhere in the universe, is accessible to us. We just have to have the inspiration to know or see or experience something, or we have to have the intention to know, see, or experience some specific thing. Yes, you can see the probable future. I say "probable" because it may change, depending on you and other factors.

You wrote, "Can the soul can be defined anyway we choose to define it?"

Words like "soul," "spirit," "mind," and "consciousness" are just symbols we use for things that can't be described or understood fully. But when we use a symbol, we immediately confine that which can't be desdribed or understood in a confining box. "Soul" is probably one of the least useful words we can use because it has no clear definition. I prefer "self."

Your self is whom you are. You can't change it by intending for it to be different. The self can only grow, over time. It contains your level of love, compassion, understanding, sympathy, empathy, and other-centeredness. The temporary part of the self that you are at any moment on a spiritual plane such as the earth plane is what we would call our personality. That is part of your self, but only a temporary part. Just as you changed from being a one year old to a five year old to a twenty year old, with different personalities at each age, your personality will change. But what carries through and grows in eternity is whom you are in your natural inclination to love, care, feel compassion, and focus on others' needs. That can't be "changed" or altered by training or a curriculum. It grows through experiences. That's why we're here on the earth plane--to have experiences that will help the self grow spiritually to be more loving and other-centered.

Love and peace, Craig


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