Greater Reality Forum
Passing of 3-year-old

Message written by

February 15, 2015 at 18:54:48:

Hello all, I hope that this message reaches you with great health and love.

My three-year-old son recently passed; Friday 13th was the two-week anniversary. I'm struggling to understand what it means when a child dies, especially so young. I don't know about soul contracts or anything like that and I'm slowly beginning to accept that I gave him all of the love that I had to give him, but I just still don't understand how to move on and create a new life when my baby is no longer here on the physical plane with me.

Does anyone understand what it means to lose a child so young? I'm sure that there are individual reasons and such. Anyway, thank you in advance for any insights or understandings that can be passed along.

Lots of Love,


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