Greater Reality Forum
A message

Message written by

Tsukasa Sakai
April 19, 2006 at 14:17:21:

Dear Sirs:

I am an old Japanese, now living in Tokyo, Japan. I have been and am still doing Zen meditation for years. While it still remains to be a concept in me, "I am always and for ever here now" is a stern fact, without knowing and thinking of it. It is the truth and reality, direct to me, without any thought involved. The Zen meditation is to exterminate any concept in us to see the reality veiled by concepts and see the difference between the truth or fact at this moment and its interpretation by concepts. The fact in front us is however subject to change at any moment.

The way of approach by "Greater Reality" to it could be of help to my present struggle to find the greater or greatest reality? It is my question. I would appreciate very much your answer to this question.

Yours very truly,
Tsukasa Sakai


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