Greater Reality Forum
Re: Can you remote view and interpret dreams?

Message written by

July 05, 2006 at 02:23:53:

In Reply to
Can you remote view and interpret dreams?
posted by
July 04, 2006 at 18:17:51:

Hello Peter,

You asked about whether your dreams were real.

We do receive guidance from sources outside of the physical realm, whether they seem to be the ancestors, our recently deceased loved ones, the Universe, or God. Here's what we know about the guidance.

1. Normally, dreams that are pointed (intended to teach you or provide important information) seem extraordinarily real. People remark that they remember everything about the dreams when they might not remember dreams other than them, and they had a feeling of reality and truth. Your dream seems to have struck you that way.

2. The dreams that are pointed messages are often immediately meaningful and unambiguous. They are as clear as someone speaking to you about a subject. However, at times you're getting senses from the greater reality that are real impressions, but you're receiving through the filter of your understanding, so they take on different forms. The meaning of the forms may not be immediately apparent.

3. The dreams that are guidance don't seem to be "strange" or outlandish. They aren't a bizarre puzzle intentionally vague so you have to figure them out like Batman trying to figure out the Riddler's riddle or someone wanting to cross a bridge having to answer the Troll's trick question. The universe, as Einstein wrote, won't intentionally trick us. It (or they or God) isn't deceptive or tricky.

4. Our five senses and the sixth or "knowledge" sense are working all the time. In addition, imagination and memory recall are working all the time. When we dream, the focus of awareness is dropped off so the mind seems to draw on sixth sense, imagination, and memory recall without rationality. When you dream something whose meaning is unclear and there seems to be no guidance about its meaning, it likely is a mixture of memory and imagination, with possibly some sixth sense in it as well, but not in an important or meaningful way. When the universe or God or the ancestors want you to know something, you'll know it. You won't have to go to a dream interpreter to find out what the dream means.

Having said that, only you can find out whether there is meaning in that dream. Don't try to "figure it out." Don't use your reasoning. Instead, relax your mind and ask for the interpretation. If it has meaning, that will come to you. If it's more memory and imagination playing on a stage, you'll just get more unusual images and you won't have any clear leading.

Jesus is reported to have said, "Knock and it will be opened to you." That is very wise. If you ask, you'll receive answers. If it's insignificant, you won't get anything.

And don't let some "dream interpreter" try to give you an answer. If the dream were significant the dream interpreter would have had her own dream about it. Only you can evaluate it.


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