Greater Reality Forum
Logic gets the best of me

Message written by

July 09, 2006 at 17:27:58:

I have for as long as I can remember been interested in psuedoscience and supernatural phenomenon(sp). However contradictory to this I have always thought very logically and scientifically. Therefore it has been difficult for me to get involved with such things. MY main problem is clearing my mind which is the essential part of any use of the Higher Fuctions of the human brain which i know we have just becuase i know it. However through all my life no proof of this can be brought to me so its always been in the back of my mind that "This is Impossible" I cannot kill that thought when i try to meditate. I tried the test for Remote Viewing on here, very clever. I failed miserably on the photo, (on the first one I felt something smooth i seen Red (cus my eyes were closed and my lights on maybe?) and somehow when i gave up on getting anymore i thought it would be an apple; it was a parachute >. I did a bit better on the real world object i got cold like glass, but i felr a smooth surface also like glass, thought it would be small object like palm sized, came up witht he notion of it being a glass figure or sculpture; was a frog.

My point and request is that Craig or Linda; could you do a remote viewing for me? It would shock my logic and perhaps get me over "this is impossible" so i can have a more succesfull viewing. In my room there is something I never move placed upon a toolchest. This object is right below another object on my wall. Tell me what the object is on the Toolchest or descrie what you can gather about it, I have heard the success of remote viewing and know it cant all be hype there is a clear truth behind its existance I jsut have to see to believe.  

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