Greater Reality Forum
Re: Niether created or destroyed??

Message written by

November 05, 2004 at 14:18:00:

In Reply to
Niether created or destroyed??
posted by
November 05, 2004 at 02:13:26:

Hello Curious Jenn,

You write this:

A wise man once told me craig.."to understand energy you must first understand energy can not be created nor destroyed."

What if energy never was created? Where is a thought before you think it? It’s nowhere, but when you think it, it’s somewhere. Where does it go after you’ve thought it? It goes nowhere. But you can think it again the next moment.

What if energy and matter are thoughts? Yes, as long as they’re being thought, energy and matter are interchangeable, but what is the originator of the energy and matter?

At its base, it’s more accurate to think of all the material realm as energy, but in different forms, just as water, ice, and vapor are H2O in different forms.

Now, are thoughts energy? Is love energy? Can energy affect thoughts? Energy certainly can affect the “player” that plays the thoughts, the brain, but it can’t affect a thought. A nuclear explosion can’t change a thought, although it will destroy the instrument that plays the thought. If I’m thinking, “I’m in the mood for a pizza,” can a bright light alter the thought? Can a blast of intense heat or any other energy alter the thought? No. What happens is that it causes other thoughts to appear: “Turn off that &@!! light!” But energy can’t affect thoughts.

Now, can thoughts affect energy? Oh, yes. Many studies now show that thoughts can affect plants, other people, the makeup of water, numbers in a random-number generator, and a great variety of other material things.

Everyone knows that thoughts can impede or speed healing. Read the description of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s encounter with Mrs. Johnson, a woman who had been dead for two years when she walked down the hall with her. And I have other stories of the same thing happening. In other words, consciousness could create a physical body and then have it disappear back into the place where thoughts are before they’re thought.

What all that means is that thoughts affect energy and matter, but energy and matter can’t affect thoughts. You can smash an atom, but you can’t smash a thought. That means that energy and matter are subsets of thoughts; energy and matter have at their basis thought. The universe is most likely not the result of a big bang, but a big thought.

I know you’re going to ask, “Then who’s the thinker?” Well, you’re the thinker. And I’m the thinker. And everyone else in the universe who ever lived, lives now, or will live are the thinkers. We don’t know anything about a thinker beyond that, and that’s appropriate. We are the universe, and that’s all we need to know.

But no amount of logic is going to bring you to believe that. You have to experience it. You will. One day, it will come to you. You’ll realize in a flash that there is no time; there is no space; there is no death; and there is no separation. Something will happen. And at that moment, everything else will fall into place. Then you’ll know. And you’ll be changed forever.

Love and peace, Craig

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