Greater Reality Forum
why have you deleted both of my very brief posts?

Message written by

August 14, 2008 at 03:55:30:

Craig, why are you deleting my posts? What did I do wrong? Am I not entitled to seek answers here, too?
I had been looking forward to hearing responses, but either none had time to respond before deletion, or you deleted the responses too. What is this, Pravda?

I see you're proud of your action -- you don't even have the decency to explain yourself or give any rhyme or reason for this action... not even a private email to me. So much for spirituality, huh? Do you realize I am just as sincere as anyone? You have NO reason to think otherwise.

If there is some kind of blackball campaign against me, I'll get to the bottom of it. I've had enough of this anonymous discrimination & lack of any accountability (while talking spirit out of the other side of your mouth). Are you & others conspiring to defeat my rights? While your site is yours to use lawfully as you see fit, you are NOT allowed to conspire to blackball me from ANY "after death" website. Who are you connected with? Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you? Did you ever bother to find out whether you're justified? Have you ever studied the concepts behind defeat of civil rights? Or is that spirit talk just an act? I hope not, but it's starting to look that way. Couldn't you at least explain this to me privately? Can you imagine how this makes me feel? Or do you even care about how your actions affect others?

Apparently your "peace & love" philosophy is only for some. I must tell you, I find this very discouraging. I was already feeling down over my loss, now you come off like a reasonable caring person and then arbitrarily decide my posts are unworthy. What did I do wrong? Don't you even feel an explanation is in order?

I predict you'll delete this too, before any one sees it, and never say a word to me - a fellow human being - as to WHY.  

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