Greater Reality Forum
Re: Burial and Cremation

Message written by

August 25, 2008 at 11:23:48:

In Reply to
Burial and Cremation
posted by
August 21, 2008 at 14:09:55:

I have people in my family who believe cremation is a sin. So I have thought about this, somewhat.

Why are we considering the importance of clinging to a body that no longer houses us? Is it because of the doctrine of ressurection?

If God wants to ressurrect a specific body, then does it really matter what state that body is found in? No matter whether that body is found as bones or ashes, God is capable of bringing it back. If that really is the plan.

And consider all the people through time who have burned to death. Would God hold it against them and refuse to bring them back? I would certainly hope not.

However, I think there is a more important concern. What can we do with our bodies to better help the environment? I'm not entirely certain, but do all those chemicals injected into the dead help or hurt the soil? There may be farmers someday in the future who would appreciate the concern.  

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