Greater Reality Forum
Re: Habits in physical life

Message written by

October 09, 2008 at 16:52:48:

In Reply to
Habits in physical life
posted by
Mike Johns
October 08, 2008 at 11:14:08:

Hello Mike,

You asked,
If you currently enjoy certain activities and or habits in your physical life such as smoking, drinking and sex for example do you continue these habits or should I say vices in the afterlife? Do these go away eventually, or do you still crave them?

When a person stops using the body, the mind and all of its components, such as emotions, attitudes, memories, thoughts, worries, and desires are exactly the same. The mind is the real person, not the body. So when the body isn't there, it has no effect on the mind.

As a result, when someone stops using the body, the craving for a cigarette or a drink will still be there, provided that's in the mind, not a chemical dependence in the body. We have accounts in the records of individuals speaking from the afterlife of people in spirit hanging around bars on the Earth plane wishing they could have a drink. Although I haven't heard an actual statement from an addict on the other side, it seems clear from the descriptions of these cravings spoken by those in the afterlife that if someone is an addict, they will have the mind component of the addition and will want the alcohol, cigarette, or sex.

We also know that the environment a person finds himself or herself in after dropping off the body fits that person's mental, emotional, and spiritual state. People in spirit don't need to eat or drink, but if they need food and drink to feel comfortable, it is provided for them. We are in the circumstances our minds fit, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

That likely means there is a plane where people who have cravings for something are with others who have similar cravings and may be indulging themselves in satisfying the cravings. But we don't have accounts of that. I have heard of one person in spirit who was asked about sex who said he had heard that there are planes where people do have sex. If that's true, it's because that's what the person craves and needs to feel comfortable. There, we are in the reality we fit and desire. We are our reality.

What we do know about such cravings is that Earthbound spirits are often Earthbound because of their desires. An arsonist may not want to leave the Earth plane because that's the only place arson can occur. People still on the Earth plane who get their kicks by setting fires will think about fires with an excitement and desire in their thoughts. That will be like a beacon to Earthbound people who were arsonists and they'll be attracted from all corners and will stay around the living arsonist in droves. They all are focusing their thoughts on the living arsonists to get him or her to set a fire so they can enjoy the act vicariously. That's a large part of where such cravings come from. So it may be true that someone who likes to drink, smoke cigarettes, and have sex may just get their kicks vicariously by staying around and watching people indulging.

However, as the person on the next plane of life matures, those cravings drop off. Food and drink aren't desired. I would expect that alcohol, cigarettes, and sex also will drop off as the cravings for them fall away.

However, understand that everything I write or say about the afterlife comes from solid testimony data from people now living there. I am saying that based on other things we now, we can speculate about these addictions about which we haven't heard anything specific. My description is what is only probably true until we have testimonies from those on the next plane of life.

Also, I suggest you not call these additions vices. That results in judgment and condemnation. They certainly are desires, but one man's vice is another man's recreation. And the desires for some things, including wealth, can come from psychological and chemical influences beyond the person's control.

Love and peace, Craig

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