Greater Reality Forum
Reincarnation - DNA or ancestor remembrance?

Message written by

Mike J.
November 14, 2008 at 11:19:41:

Hello Craig!

I certainly enjoy your web page and the others who contribute to it.

There is a topic that's been on my mind and wonder what your take is on it or anybody else who has an interest.

I've done alot of reading and some research on reincarnation thru the years and have a present theory that I wish to share.

What if past lives are only a matter of reviewing your anccestors past lives or maybe all those past lives of your forbearers are imbetted in ones present DNA? WOW! - what a concept. It's not something I made up, but something I read years ago.

It is something to ponder now that science is now starting to investigate metaphysical topics.

I appreciate your feedback or anyone else's.


Mike J.  

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