Greater Reality Forum
Re: Lucid Dreaming?

Message written by

December 05, 2008 at 12:19:46:

In Reply to
Lucid Dreaming?
posted by
December 03, 2008 at 22:16:29:

Hi Heather,

You wrote, "I was wondering do you think lucid dreaming is really possible?"

Yes, it does seem from the accounts we have that some people are able to have lucid dreams, in which they are aware they're dreaming and can have some control over the dream. I am not able to do it myself. I found that when I tried to have lucid dreams, I would awaken as soon as I tried to bring my consciousness into the dream. For a brief period afterward, I was then having trouble sleeping because I would keep awakening as I almost involuntarily tried to become active in the dream. I wouldn't try it again.

You asked, "Some of my friends say they can control their dreams but its never happened to me or to a majority of people? Why just a select few?"

As with a great number of things about the greater reality, dreams, psychic affairs, and the afterlife, we just don't understand. We are very primitive in our understanding of the inner realm. It's remarkable that we've progressed so far, so quickly, in understanding the physical realm, but are still living in caves when it comes to understanding the greater reality and afterlife.

You asked, "Do you have any theories about what "Shadow people" are? have you ever heard of it?"

No, I don't know what "shadow people" are. However, you may very possible "sense" spirits around you. They are around us all the time. They include your loved ones who have crossed over and guides who are continually inspiring you to help you as you live your life and learn lessons. They are always loving and caring. And then there are other entities who are earthbound, at low spiritual levels. They are trying to get their kicks by inspiring people to do things that are destructive, to themselves and others. But they can only influence people already inclined toward the destructive actions and beliefs.

You can eliminate the influence of the lower-level entities in your life by staying on a higher spiritual level. That doesn't mean going to church, though. It means that you have loving, positive, compassionate thoughts and feelings for others. It means that you ask for guidance from higher-level guides and from your loved ones and that you reject lower-level thoughts and entities.

But understand that no one judges you. You judge yourself. If you feel that shadow people are around you at times, it could be your imagination or it could be your sense of entities, good or bad. If you become angry or do something you think is bad or sinful, no one judges you for that, and the entities you sense aren't there to punish you. If they feel like lower-level entities, it isn't because you're bad or sinful. There is no judgment and no condemnation except what man creates in ignorance. It just means that you're learning lessons in Earth school and this may teach you something. When you raise your spiritual vibration by just smiling and asking the Higher Power for strength and guidance, even if the shadows are lower-level entities, they'll go away. Spiritual people are boring to them. They can't get their kicks with you when you're full of love for people and for God.

And even for people who are angry and hateful often, who attract the lower-level entities, these spirits can't harm people. They can scare them pretty badly by making things happen, like moving furniture or throwing things across the room. But they can't harm anyone.

Just don't worry about shadow people. Stay spiritually grounded in love and trust in the Higher Power.

Love and peace, Craig


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