Greater Reality Forum
Question about Testimonies from those who have passed over

Message written by

May 04, 2009 at 18:44:51:

Hi again Craig!

I have so many questions but my memory is really bad, so I ask as I remember! LOL

Here is a question I have had for a while... growing up Catholic/Christian, and believing (or shall I say being taught) that we come from Adam and Eve and that Jesus (Yeshua) who was crucified, died and resurrected, is God and our Savior.... has it ever been documented, specific souls who having grown up with a strong Christian faith, come back to claim that it is all false and/or untrue? I'm really curious about if this particular subject has ever been addressed by those who have crossed over. I guess one reason I ask, is that in all the books I've read, this never ever comes up, and it drives me crazy. It seems like a big thing people would want to know about.... even those of other religions, coming back to tell their loved ones still here on earth that everything is not what they've learned or had been taught.

I hope I made sense!

Thanks! :)


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