Greater Reality Forum
Your Book is Great!

Message written by

May 14, 2009 at 18:48:26:

Hi Craig!

I'm about 1/4 finished with Your Eternal Self and it is so enlightening! I feel somehow I've been lied to and deceived all my life with the established religion I was brought up in. In all my years of Catholic school, mass etc., never do I remember being taught about spirituality and living in love and peace eternally. The main message I received all my life was "if you don't do this" or if you do this", you're going to purgatory or hell! And it was all about repenting and seeking forgiveness. Hence... I feared dying all my life. Which leads me to a statement you made in your book regarding how... it's no wonder children walking beside their sobbing elders across a cemetery lawn learn to fear death and feel the body is all there is to life. That's me. I have feared death as long as I can remember. I don't fear it at all any more. Learning what I've learned over the last couple years... when my time comes, I look forward to going home.

Also, you mention in the same paragraph how people go to the cemetery to remember a loved one and they stare at the ground as though the person were the body buried there. I admit I visit my mother's gravesite every week to keep it groomed and nice looking. I absolutely know she is not there, because she's with me any time I need her, anywhere. But there's this feeling I have that what does lay there is the body that once housed my mother... the body that I touched, hugged, kissed, loved and that gave birth to me, etc. I think this may be a strange way of thinking, but it's only a "worldy" mindset. I do believe this way of thinking will be gone for good once I've passed on. :)

Thanks again for all you do!


P.S. I read somewhere (now I can't remember if it was from you or elsewhere) something about people being raised with the belief that your body goes into "cold storage" after dying. For the life of me, I can't remember where I read this... and it was mentioned more than once. I just wanted to say, growing up Catholic, that's a new one to me. Never ever have I heard the term cold storage before. It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. What I learned was always purgatory or hell... and rarely heaven, because we are all sinners and bad people. I certainly don't believe that any more. :)  

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