Greater Reality Forum
Re: Sadness about death...

Message written by

July 07, 2009 at 07:53:51:

In Reply to
Re: Sadness about death...
posted by
July 05, 2009 at 10:02:34:

Thank you for acknowledging me and my tremendous loss with your response.

It was extremely helpful in the healing process and informastive.

I still feel up with emotion when I have to have a real conversation about the loss. If I can just skate over it, I do okay in passing or when explaining to loss to strangers. but to have a real conversation like this one usually bring tears. So I am still healing but your response gave me the okay to remain in touch with my feelings about my loss. Also, I kept journals - my form of meditations, wrote letters to mom, to God, to angels, to my baby and I had put them away. But I think I will bring them out again. Writing is the quickest way for me to get in touch with what i am feeling without putting on a face or pretending not feel anything deeper.

blessings. take care.

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