Greater Reality Forum
Re: What are the "shadow people" and "robed beings"? "Aliens" and "UFOs"?

Message written by

January 03, 2010 at 00:01:32:

In Reply to
What are the "shadow people" and "robed beings"? "Aliens" and "UFOs"?
posted by
December 31, 2009 at 16:40:03:

Hello Ron,

You asked,
In particular, the somewhat but not completely rare "robed beings", whose faces you can never see. They sometimes appear in so-called UFO abductions, OBEs, NDEs and - in a case I'm familiar with - during the middle of the night to people who were awake.

We have to be open minded about all phenomena. We simply are babes in the woods about the universe. We are quite arrogant in thinking we know everything, but our understanding of the universe is constantly changing, and at an increasingly rapid pace. Prior to 1750, humankind’s knowledge of the universe was relatively primitive. Between 1750 and 1900, the estimate is that humankind’s knowledge of things doubled. That was within 150 years. But from 1900 to 1950 it doubled again: in 50 years. Then between 1950 and 1960 it doubled again: in 10 years. The estimate is now that humankind’s knowledge doubles every five years and that by 2020 it will be every 73 days. For us to say nothing like robed beings, shadow people, or aliens exist is simply naïve arrogance.

On the other hand, people can be deluded. The Heaven’s Gate cult committed suicide so they could link up with an alien mother ship on the other side of the Hale-Bopp comet. Suicide bombers today kill themselves so they can enter heaven as celebrities with sensuous rewards. David Koresh, Jim Jones, and their followers believed the end times had come, so they committed suicide.

We have to be open to understanding like little children, but we have to stand together and use our perspectives from testing reality, listening to teachers and authorities who are knowledgeable and sincere, and trusting the common understanding that a group of sane, intelligent people hold in common.

So as to robed beings, shadow people, or extraterrestrials, we simply don’t know. But the number of people having experiences of them is very small, and we can’t test their reality, so while we need to be open, we’re not yet able to accept them as fact. How many people have described a tunnel and meeting deceased loved ones in NDEs? Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Those are very common phenomena. How many have seen a robed being? I don’t know of any, but I’m sure you’ve read something. I wouldn’t trust the reports until tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people had reported them. But I wouldn’t dismiss them out of hand either.

I would be especially suspicious of one person or a dozen people’s reports. There are 6.5 billion people on the planet. I would expect more to have experienced something unusual.

You wrote,
I'm highly interested in this apparent intersection of "aliens", "UFOs" and "abductions", with NDEs and OBEs, with religion, with various spiritual and mystical practices and encounters, with various paranomral entities (the often-reported "shadowy" or "misty" people). Are we informed at all about these things from the ADC phenomenon?

Yes, but not through NDEs, OBEs, mirror gazing, or other common practices. Of the many, many thousands of experiences, we don’t hear of aliens. If you have, I’m sure it’s a handful, meaning it’s very suspicious. I wouldn’t commit to it.

However, those speaking from the afterlife in séances are very clear that spiritual beings who are one with us spiritually, who are creations of the Higher Power as we are, do live on other planes and other planets. More than one has also said that we will make contact with beings from other planets very soon. I believe them.

Google Dorothy Izatt. Buy a copy of her DVD. It’ll make a believer of you.

Love and peace, Craig

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