Greater Reality Forum
Is there "evil"? Are there "dark forces" and "dark entities"?

Message written by

January 12, 2010 at 22:30:59:

Hi Craig.

I alluded to this in my last post (in the UFO/robed beings thread).

It really is very important for me to know:

If there is Love -- God is Light, God is Love, Love exists as a fundamental constituent of the Universe -- then is there "evil" or "evil incarnate"?

How does your experience with IADCs and whatnot inform your decision? Do you have a personal opinion that differs from what has been learned from ADCs thus far?

The past few days my "belief meter" has swung wildly to the side of having knowledge -- not just "suspicion" or half-baked "belief" -- but knowledge that there is an Afterlife. (Given my experiences, the needle should've been pegged there years ago...)

Be that as it may, if there is this "Afterlife" thing, and this "Love" thing, then what about "negative" spiritual things like "dark forces" or "dark entities"? And are there things ("spiritual" things and practices) that could be harmful for me to play with or dabble in? Can doing certain things -- can *anything -- even attempting IADCs -- potentially leave me vulnerable to these "dark forces" or "dark entities"?

Thank you very much for your response.  

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