Greater Reality Forum
Remote viewing future targets

Message written by

Deb Rielly
January 24, 2010 at 09:39:04:

I was playing with the targets in the remote viewing site. I concentrated on a photo first and did OK, with the biggest success coming when I saw the word lake. During my concentration, I also "saw" a lot of rocks. For that first photo target, only lake was correct, but the rocks came on the second photo target. Then, as I was trying to "see" the second photo target, I kept "seeing" eyeballs which didn't come up till I went to the third target where I had also switched to viewing objects. Is it possible to remote view but be one ahead of your targets? My success rate isn't that good with all the other stuff I felt / saw, but these pieces were really strong, out of no where, but only right if I jump a target ahead. BTW, this has happened to me before a year ago when I was playing with remote viewing. Thanks!!  

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