Greater Reality Forum
Re: God's nature

Message written by

January 25, 2010 at 20:48:00:

In Reply to
God's nature
posted by
Kim Marine
January 22, 2010 at 08:37:25:

Hello Kim,

I think you have a view of God that makes God a “him” with human qualities. Anything we say that has a human quality is not the Higher Power. We can’t use “he” or “him” when referring to the Higher Power. We can’t use human verbs, such as “loves,” “comforts,” “destroys,” “judges,” or any other verb that refers to human activities and emotions. Instead, the Higher Power is the creative force of the universe. As Amit Goswami, the quantum physicist says, “There is nothing but God.”

New planes of life are being created all the time because new people are going over to the next plane of life. They happen because the people have an attitude or belief system or expectation about their lives. The Higher Power creates the world that fits, without the person having to think about it. No, these planes will never be “united.” They’re not static. When no one has the attitude that suits a plane of life, it ceases to exist.

Love and peace, Craig


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