Greater Reality Forum
Re: frustration

Message written by

February 05, 2010 at 17:42:05:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
February 05, 2010 at 14:13:12:

Hi Kim,

I think we all go through that period of frustration when we're learning about the afterlife, spirit, and God. That's part of the physical realm, not the spiritual realm. Our striving to understand spiritual things is innate, but our expectation that we will learn and our impatience at not learning enough quickly enough is from our physical ego.

As you say, we do grow out of that into accepting who we are and what we're learning as appropriate for us, without demands and expectations. We just live contentedly and wait for the wonderful gifts we're given. We can't predict them, and we can't make them happen. That's what leads to frustration. Instead, we just need to quiet ourselves, be happy with those we love, and wait for the enlightenment and joy and comes. At the same time, when tragedy strikes, we can move beyond it more quickly when we realize that it's only a blink in time in the universe. Even in tragedy we can feel fulfilled and contented.

Love and peace, Craig


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