Greater Reality Forum
Re: Quantum Mysticism?

Message written by

September 27, 2010 at 21:50:28:

In Reply to
Quantum Mysticism?
posted by
September 26, 2010 at 21:46:15:

Hi Edward,

Thanks for the reference. The materialists defend their crumbling bastions by inventing all manner of explanations that deny the survival of consciousness and the Higher Power. In the end, they take the same leap of faith Kierkegaard described religions' believers taking. They have no proof there is no Higher Power, and none that consciousness isn't fundamental to the universe. But believing without evidence that both could not be true, they take a leap of faith and fumble to create a bridge behind them that justifies arriving at their position.

For monistic idealists (I am one), the spiritual planes, including the Earth spiritual plane, are emergent from the Source, the mind of God. And our consciousness has a profound effect on this spiritual plane. We have abundant evidence of that. They have no evidence it doesn't, and they can't rebut the evidence we have that it does.

I'll look at the book when I can.

Love and peace, Craig


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