Greater Reality Forum
Re: Transition

Message written by

October 25, 2010 at 16:23:14:

In Reply to
posted by
October 22, 2010 at 23:25:44:

Hi Edward,

I enjoyed doing the first session and am looking forward to the second.

You asked, "what's the transition from dying to afterlife like, is it like slowly fading in, or like a jump cut or something?"

Everything about our eternal lives is individual. The Source, or Higher Power, is focused on you alone for your life. Whatever is desirable for your ultimate good is what will happen. That will be different for different people. Eternal life is individualized.

Some people report that after they stop using the body (die), they're in the same room with their body, watching it and watching people's reactions. The mind, of course, is still very active. It never dies. So for some people, the transition is just "snap," I'm out of the body.

Others report that they wake up on the other side in some wonderful surrounds, like a field, or in a house identical to a house they knew and loved in their youth on Earth. Most often, loved ones are there when they wake up.

Some report waking in a recovery or reception place that they describe as being like a hospital. There, they relax and become accustomed to their surroundings. Their loved ones come to them there and then take them to their new home. The length of the "sleep" is usually three Earth days.

And so, what happens is very much individualized. It is what is best for us.

However, all describe it as an easy transition. Some are confused, however. They feel they're in a dream and will wake up. Guides and loved ones help them understand. Others can't make the transition off of the Earth plane because they're attached to it for some reason. They are Earthbound. They will stay in that state until they realize it's time to move on.

You wrote, "I understand the colors must be much more vivid so is it like blurring in?"

No. It's just there. Yes, they do describe colors as much more vivid, a feeling of lightness, and no aches, pains, or sickness as they had before their passing. But it just happens naturally, so they don't notice the transition.

Love and peace, Craig


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