Greater Reality Forum
Re: Your opinion

Message written by

December 27, 2010 at 23:00:17:

In Reply to
Your opinion
posted by
December 25, 2010 at 14:36:20:

Hello Tyron,

You asked what I meant by "The return of Christ will be in his being understood for the first time."

Yeshua's disciples and other followers didn't understand him. We know that from the way they acted in Jerusalem in the days and weeks after his death. When two people didn't give all their money to the group of believers assembled there to greet Yeshua when he returned, they killed them. There were disputes between the Jewish Christians and the Greek Christians. Eventually, the Greek Christians were forced to leave the city. Yeshua's followers were waiting for him as the Jewish Messiah, who would return within a few days or weeks, drive the Romans out of the land, and establish the Jewish Kingdom of God. That's not what Yeshua taught at all.

Among the gentiles, Paul and other missionaries not so well known, were spreading a message that everyone must swear allegiance to Yeshua to be saved, to be in the coming Kingdom of God. The only thing that mattered was believing in Yeshua as the messenger from God who was the savior of humankind. That's not what Yeshua taught at all.

And so Yeshua's message about unconditional love for one another, nonviolence, servanthood, going to God directly for guidance, and denying the physical realm were entirely lost on the Jewish Christians who were his disciples and the gentiles who swore allegiance to him as a god. From the beginning, they got it all wrong.

Today, since the texts about Yeshua's teachings are available to ordinary people, as they were not until the sixteenth century, people are beginning to learn what he really taught. And it's very different from what the church has taught since the first century. He is, today, being understood for the first time among large groups of people. That will continue until an understanding of his teachings helps make mankind different, and that will be his second coming, for the first time.

You asked, "And what is your opinion on the end times prophyes? And the whole many will leave the faith thing."

All of that is superstition. The world isn't coming to an end. We are eternal, one with God, and the world was created for our benefit. It and we won't be destroyed. And people aren't going to be "raptured."

Love and peace, Craig


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