Greater Reality Forum
Talking to the dead

Message written by

January 06, 2011 at 18:36:43:

Hello MR.Hogan

How and where in the bible did you find that talking to the dead is not a sin and if the bible was wrong than how so? I was listen to a lot of mediums on your site and i was really affected by what some of the people had to say, i had a 3 hour long talk with my christian friends and i told them my opinion on christianity and the whole "a kingdom that is against its self will fall" and they told me that the devil can come as an angle of light. how would you respond to that?

I also ran across this site that talks about mediums and it said that its impossible to talk to the dead the only thing your talking to is a demon impersonating that person for whatever motive. i just wanna know, how would you defend your view point on that? Thanks!  

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