Greater Reality Forum
Re: yeshua

Message written by

January 07, 2011 at 08:35:16:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
January 06, 2011 at 15:11:02:

Hi Kim,

Those coming through in the Leslie Flint seances say that Yeshua is now a highly evolved celestial being. He doesn't speak directly to people on the Earth plane, but there is what they describe as a "chain" of teachings. Higher celestial beings teach lower, who teach still lower, and so on until his teachings reach those helpers and teachers close to the Earth plane who can teach us. As one speaker said clearly, "No one channels Jesus."

However, you asked, "Has Yeshua matured as much as he can or is there still more for him to accomplish?" They are clear that no one ever stops growing spiritually, and that we could never understand the higher levels. It is much like an earthworm trying to understand quantum physics. Our consciousnesses are so different, and so far apart in maturity, that no earthworm will ever graduate from MIT.

You asked, "Do the Spirits tell you about the spirtiual heirarchy in words that are understnable to us or is that the way things really are?"

I get my knowledge from recordings of seances, reports by mental mediums, reports by experiencers of Guided Afterlife Connections, and others who have had verified contact with the afterlife. I don't myself "channel" anyone or get inspirations about the other side.

Those who do hear from the other side hear from those closest to the Earth plane. They are the only people whom we can understand. We can't understand people in higher levels of spiritual development, so we don't hear from them directly.

There are some exceptions. Silver Birch, for example, comes to David Thompson's seances. Silver Birch is a very highly evolved person. We don't fully understand how and why he would come through as he does, but he does, regularly.

Love and peace, Craig


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