Greater Reality Forum
Re: yeshua

Message written by

January 12, 2011 at 04:44:56:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
January 06, 2011 at 15:11:02:

: Hi Dr. Hogan,

: Has Yeshua matured as much as he can or is there still more for him to accomplish? Do the Spirits tell you about the spirtiual heirarchy in words that are understnable to us or is that the way things really are? I love you, Kim

Heirachy is simply a level of quality.
We can understand spiritual heirarchy.far beyond what the thinking can grasp.
Yes we can talk with spirits, but when we take the booga-booga out of it, we can laugh with spirits.
There is a map of the scale of consciousness.
see David R Hawkins,

there are levels far beyond the human ideas of accomplishment, far beyond the concept of thinking......we will eventually see clearly that none of this is personal anyway,..then it becomes all loving joy .
please read my post on talking with the dead
about joy. and dancing with the vaccume cleaner.


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