Greater Reality Forum
recollection of God from unconsciousness

Message written by

kim marine
March 30, 2011 at 15:34:41:

Hi Dr Hogan,
While unconscious I was able to see different scenes from various movies in response to questions that I asked God. I grew tired of all the games that I thought He was playing with me, and I finally asked Him, "What in the world,on your green Earth,are you doing to me?" He let me know that He was showing me His Kingdom. I told Him that from what I had seen so far I thought His Kingdom was stupid and I didn't want any part of it. That is when I saw the scene from 'The Odd Couple' when Oscar throws a plate of linguini on the wall, and Felix has a fit and says he is not going to clean up the mess. Oscar looks at Felix and says, matter of factly, "I like it." That is what God put in my mind when I said I did not like His Kingdom! In other words, it is His Kingdom and not ours'! Love, Kim


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