Greater Reality Forum
Re: remote viewing without target

Message written by

June 25, 2011 at 00:53:29:

In Reply to
remote viewing without target
posted by
June 22, 2011 at 12:15:34:

Hello Manaolana,

You've had some fascinating experiences. Your mind is not in your brain. It's in a realm we call, for lack of a better term, the greater reality. What we experience in the physical realm is just an illusion that is one small part of what the mind experiences. It preoccupies us as long as we're going through Earth school, and it seems to have much more solidity and reality than the other states the mind is in. But that's just because we're focused on it and we're engaged in activities that will help us grow. It's no more "real" than a dream.

So things like recalling a memory, daydreaming an entirely new set of scenery, creating art or music, dreaming that has odd or even frightening scenes, dreaming that has encounters with deceased loved ones, psychic knowing, mediumship contacts with people on other planes of life, clairvoyance, and remote viewing, are all just a sample of the many states the mind can go into. We, the eternal selves, who have the experiences, are the only stable and real part of these experiences. We continue through eternity. We may have a dream, then awaken and write a poem, then have a daydream about winning a Pulitzer Prize, then have a drug-induced "trip," and have an endless variety of such different mind experiences, but the self continues to be the one thing that is consistent. We are the experiencers. All of the experiences are just temporary.

Your experiences are your mind going into a state. You can't really label it as a dream, remote viewing, clairvoyance, or any of the other states. It's just your mind having experiences. Don't try to label it.

However, if you want to validate whether it's one of the forms of consciousness in which you can know things that you wouldn't think you should know, then you have to find a way to validate what you're experiencing. If it's remote viewing, you have to record impressions, then look at the target. If it's mediumship, you have to locate a loved one still on the Earth plane and see whether the details you got were true of the person living on another plane now. Without validation, what you're experiencing is just another state of mind, perhaps without a name, perhaps similar to clairvoyance or remote viewing, perhaps unique to you. Just let it pass through your consciousness as experiences and go on with your life.

So what I'm saying is, if you want to see whether it's something akin to remote viewing, clairvoyance, or mediumship, you have to validate the impressions. You have to see whether you learned things you wouldn't think you could know because your senses weren't given access to them. If you can't validate them, then they could be any of these phenomena, but you won't know.

Try setting up circumstances in which you can validate that what you're getting is knowledge of something or someone real, either on the Earth plane or another plane. Then you'll know what you're experiencing is either just an unusual mind state or some psychic or medium ability.

Love and peace, Craig


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