Greater Reality Forum
spiritual economics

Message written by

December 04, 2011 at 19:29:06:

Spiritual Economics
Some of my neighbors stockpile ammunition or gold. I stockpile cookies. In case of an emergency,( the munchies qualify as an emergency ), I don't hoard, I share.
Here in the great white north, we do not lock our doors. Locking doors enslaves me to deal with the keys. I prefer to simply walk in. Some of my doors don't have locks, and the ones that do, are the trouble makers.
What if a thief comes along? (This is a true story )So I invited some thieves over , and employed them, We worked together for a day. We had fun, so I invited them to stay over for a party..They called their friends,all of these 8 people are crack, or meth addicts. I fed them some cookies, and I went to bed, and I had a good nights sleep. When I got up, yes there were a lot of cookie crumbs all over the house, but, nothing was missing, I have lots of valuables in the house, They had ran out of drugs,so they borrowed one of my cars while I was sleeping, brought it back with extra gas in the tank. Sorry guys,it was near empty. I made 8 new friends.
I do not know how to fight. Hence, I don't step forward to defend myself. This is also a true story.I found myself in the gettos at 3am, in a strange American super city......oops, there is a street gang following me. So I walked straight over to them, looked the biggest guy in the eye, I am built like a hobbit, an aging rich guy in a strange city, with a thousand dollars cash in my pocket,4 credit cards, and a Canadian passport, with no back up plan. I challenged them to a basketball game. The ensuing gut wrenching laughter had us all on the ground. We talked and laughed for at least an hour. I walked away with 10 new friends. That was a few years ago, I want to go back to visit. I like those guys.

I don't do anything spiritual. Any community of people can laugh . A church based community is its own reward, we laugh a lot.
I don't recommend doing meditation. This can trap your value of being yourself, thus it creates a spiritual ego.
We get better value by living with a simple dictum. What ever gets our mo-Jo going., brings us back into the happy zone . For example, less content, more kind to everything in my matter what.....teach only it
There is no need to write this down, that trains us to forget.
my bet is all in ......Peace and love

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