Greater Reality Forum
Re: reply

Message written by

February 07, 2012 at 20:06:15:

In Reply to
posted by
February 07, 2012 at 12:12:12:

Thank you Aubrey. I do try very hard to be nothing but honest with my son. We have a beautiful relationship due to our honesty with one another. He's 16 and still a very honest spirit. I have no problems telling him "I don't know." You're right about that one. It does teach humility. It's also a great teaching tool for autism. Sometimes "I don't know" just doesn't compute in their brains. He has learned over the years to accept it, because it IS honest.
I'm glad you told me about the breathing exercise. He has learned breathing exercises due to his autism, and I will suggest he try to use them the next time he experiences a dream memory that causes his stomach to be upset. Very grateful for your response. Peace and Love to you.


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