Greater Reality Forum
Re: experience

Message written by

February 16, 2012 at 10:08:58:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
February 12, 2012 at 13:26:43:

Hi Kim,

Yes, I remember your description of your experience. I don't think you wrote about it in detail. Sometime write it all out so it's on the forum.

You wrote, "I had a preview of the experiences I would have on this spiritual plane."

Yes, but that doesn't eliminate free will. For one thing, we're time bound and have a narrow view of experience. Time is only useful on this spiritual plane so we have continual change that presents new challenges to overcome, new experiences, and new learning. We must have change for growth to occur.

But in the greater reality that is our home, all experiences and conditions are accessible. That is a better word than "exists" because "exist" is an Earth school term that's time bound. Instead, we are capable of accessing and learning about anything. We just have to knock and the door will open for us.

As we go through Earth school, we can change what seems to be the "future." In other words, what we see ahead through a psychic or our own intuition can be changed before we come to it. We have the free will to do that, and we have many, many cases in which people have changed what they do, and as a result changed the future from what they sensed or were shown would be there.

In the end, we need to trust. We are growing and changing in Earth school in ways we can't envision. Our lives unfold in episodes that are surprising to us. And we interact with the experiences using our free will to grow spiritually and mentally. It isn't predetermined, although we can catch glimpses of what the future might be like when we use our free will to make of it what we want to. But since we have free will, we can then change even that.

You wrote, "I guess those spiritual experiences weave the physical experiences together."

Yes, that's the wonderful thing about Earth school. As we go through it, we're continually given help and guidance. We just have to trust and be open. Trust and be open. What seems insurmountable and unbearable is part of the lessons we're learning from. If we are open, we will be able to receive help and grow through the lessons. If we trust, we will have less anxiety and feelings of helplessness.

The people who have the hardest time in Earth school have no trust, so they feel life is unbearable and meaningless. They feel victimized. In feeling so, they become victims, but victims of their own ego. They make themselves miserable. These people who have a hard time also have no openness. They have a rigid belief system that keeps them from listening to the guidance freely given. They look to science or a religion for answers, when the answers are in them. Rumi wrote, "I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." The answers are within us. We have a personal, intimate relationship with the Higher Power, our guides and helpers, and our loved ones living on other planes. We just have to abandon our preconceptions and dogma from science, religion, and our own feelings of victimization. And listen. Trust and be open.

Love and peace, Craig


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