Greater Reality Forum
Re: invisible spirit

Message written by

March 18, 2012 at 09:58:01:

In Reply to
invisible spirit
posted by
kim marine
March 17, 2012 at 08:45:46:

Hi Kim,

Yes, Aubrey, that was a really lovely response.

Kim, everything is spirit, meaning everything is from the Source. It is the mind of God. But nothing in the Earth school is spiritual, meaning eternal and having to do with the individual eternal selves t that we are. The Earth realm is just scenery that is the backdrop for the play that is Earth school. Our eternal selves are in the play, but no part of us is the scenery. The scenery will go away. We continue through eternity, in other plays with other scenery.

We've been reared to believe that religion, religious practices, religious organizations, buildings associated with religions, functionaries working in religions, religious texts, and ancient religious figures are spiritual. They are not. They are all part of the physical realm, and thus have nothing spiritual about them. In fact, if they deceive a person into believing we can find ourselves and answers to questions about our lives by listening to them, then the religions actually thwart spiritual growth. Spiritual growth comes only from within, and is individual. Wisdom, insights, and teachings can come from the physical realm, but they're only catalysts for us to discover our spiritual natures within. We can read or hear them, but only when we contemplate them and come to our own perspectives do we grow spiritually.

You wrote the truth: "What is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal and Spirit is unseen and eternal?"

Love and peace, Craig


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