Greater Reality Forum
Re: materialism

Message written by

June 29, 2012 at 18:29:43:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
June 17, 2012 at 10:19:01:

Hello Kim,

Yes, a Thai monk said, "Cling to nothing you call 'me' or 'mine.'" That's an extreme way of saying that you and I have nothing in the physical realm that is who we are. Everything we cling to will go away, but we will remain. Clinging to things in the physical realm creates misery and impedes spiritual growth. Shunning everything in the physical realm brings peace and encourages spiritual growth.

Relying on the senses is part of what makes us dense and befuddled in the physical realm. We can't see reality. Reality is within, so when we're preoccupied with what is outside of us, we lose sight of what is within, and as a result live a false life instead of a true life.

Love and peace, Craig


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