Greater Reality Forum
Re: prophecy

Message written by

July 12, 2012 at 10:51:17:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
July 12, 2012 at 08:18:59:

Hi Kim,

By "prophecy," I assume you mean being able to see the future. The Biblical meaning of "prophecy" was more oriented toward humankind's relationship to God. It included what might happen if the Nation of Israel didn't maintain its allegiance and obedience to the one God Y*H*W*H, and might include instructions as well as seeing the future.

As for precognition, or seeing the future, people's abilities are entirely individual. Some people dream about events that will happen the next day. Others see events that will unfold in the next months or years. And still othrs seem to have the ability to see coming tragedies.

It is very common for people to be able to anticipate something that will happen in the next few seconds. Many studies demonstrate that.

The reason that's possible is that everythng that ever was or ever will be is "accessible." I don't use "exist." "Exist" means it's being experienced in the physical realm. Instead, it is possible for someone to access anything that has existed on some plane, exists now, or will exist.

We're focused on the "now" in the physical realm. Out of all the things that could happen, that are accessible, we have continuity in our lives so we're experiencing what has led up to this point. Our reality collapses into one point out of the many that could have happened. Some people can see into the points that will be "now" as people go through these focused experiences. However, since there are many alternatives for what might be the experiences the person or humankind will have as a focus in the future, and while some events have a high probability, the actual events may change, depending on what happens. We still have free will. So someone may see the future event, but then change it by avoiding the circumstances that would bring it about. On the day of the 9/11 tragedy, the World Trade Center towers had the highest absentee rate they had ever had. Many had subtle warnings. They changed their futures.

So prophecy in the Biblical sense is tied to a nation or to individuals in relationship to God. Prophecy as precognition happens in various ways with different people, and it can be part of the plan or path their lives are taking.

Love and peace, Craig


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