Greater Reality Forum
Remote Viewing

Message written by

K Stewart
August 27, 2012 at 00:17:40:

I just did the remote viewing test and had a bit of a strange experience. Some of the images that I jotted down really applied to the next object that was on the list for viewing. It happened 4 out of the ten tests. Is there any significance to this? I got the volcano right on. Very fun tests!

I also was pretty close to getting the object on the table. My first impression was "big eyes", second was ruffles around the eyes and third was the tawny color. I skipped ahead and guessed it was a lion. Strangely, I also had a clear picture of something that looks like an antique rope pullie. Just wondering if that is correct?

I really enjoyed working things out. Is there any chance you might change up the pictures anytime soon?

Thanks in advance and peace


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