Greater Reality Forum
more about my nde

Message written by

kim marine
September 04, 2012 at 18:46:04:

Hi Dr. Hogan,
So many fateful things have passed in my life since the NDE I experienced over 29 years ago, and it makes me feel as though the Higher Power is watching out for me! I have read recently that our lives might be compitrized since there are a finite number of particles in our universe. What do you think of this idea? To me that is what Yeshua was referring to when he said we needn't worry about our lives because God cares for us. I reflect back on the time I remember being unconscious and I gather many valuable ideas. I do rememebr being told that I wouldn't be able to use my head injury as an excuse for the rest of my life, and I couldn't understand why since it would leave me mildly handicapped. The experience I had while unconscious was so freaked out. I watched me live my life of the future on this earth. While I was watching I thought I was actually living it, but the place I was seemed like an awfully starnge place and I couldn't figure out what had happened to the earth. I could only assume that it wasn't the earth that changed but I was the one who changed. Anyway, I got fed up of living in this starnge world that seemed new to me and some how my life would end and I'd be at peace and then sooner or later my life would start up again in a different strange world, but the life I experienced was always the same. I would get tired of living in these freaked out worlds and my life there would end only to have it begin again in another world. That is what led me believe that God didn't even know what planet I was supposed to live on, and it seemed to go on forever!! I feel what is meant by "not being able to use my head injury as an excuse" is that even though I get fed up with life on this world I can not get fed up to the point where if I end my life it will start all over again, since I am not unconscious anylonger. These days, while I live my life where I am supposed to be, I feel like I am playing a part in a movie that I have rehearsed for and I get to decide who will direct the movie. I have chosen Yeshua, not as a Christian, but because he is the one who I am most familiar with. Besides, I like the way he teaces.
Love, Kim


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