Greater Reality Forum
Re: Thanks

Message written by

August 21, 2005 at 01:57:12:

In Reply to
posted by
Matthew Cromer
August 20, 2005 at 12:14:32:

Hello Matthew,

Thanks for the kind words.

Most people aren't aware that they're spiritual beings having a physical experience. They think they're physical beings only, or at best physical beings with a spiritual spark somewhere buried in the body. All of the evidence we have about the physical realm tells that the physical realm is just experience, and once the moment is experienced, it's gone. However, the experiencer continues, going from one experience to another.

When people look into the universe, they see energy, as far out as they can see. When they probe the subatomic realm, they find energy, as deeply as they can go. The universe, in other words, is made up of energy manifesting in mass (or matter). However, the energy is only meaningful with an experiencer. Physics talks about the collapse of the wave function; mystics say, "The physical realm is an illusion." They're both saying that for the energy, the physical realm, to exist, it must be perceived. The wave function collapses into particles when someone perceives it; the illusion can only become apparent when someone experiences it.

And so, what we're seeing as energy, far out into the universe and deeply into the subatomic world, is experience, and we give it existence as the experiencers. The physical realm is just experience, and that requires an experiencer.

Energy, in other words, is the word we use that describes experience. We look out into the vastness of the universe and experience galaxies and suns. We describe them as energy, but what is there is simply experiences of galaxies and suns. When we look into the subatomic realm, we find loops of electromagnetic energy, blinking off and on. In other words, mass and energy (the physical realm), manifests as our experience of energy. The house we live in is energy, and it exists because we experience it. All of the physical realm is simply experience, never static, always new, and we describe it as energy.

Then what happens when the experiences finish, as they all do moment to moment? The energy changes form, or rather new experiences manifest and they seem to be in the form of energy. But it's not the old energy transforming. It's always new energy. Its a new experience. Energy, mass, the physical realm, our experiences that we see as energy, all are created anew every moment. In other words, they don't exist as we think of existence.

We're deceived into feeling the energy or experiences exist outside of us and are permanent because they have continuity. The changes we see aren't chaotic or random. The new energy is continuous with the old energy so the experience "makes sense" to us. That continuity gives us the feeling the stuff out there, matter and energy, must be everlasting, real, there even if we're not there. But it isn't. It's created anew every minute, and it has continuity, but it exists only because we're experiencing it. The physical realm is our experiences manifesting moment by moment.

Then what does that say about people whom we can't "see" anymore because they're not in bodies? Well, "in bodies" just means we experience a body for them. They never were really "in bodies." They were experiencing along with us, and we experienced each other as having soft, fleshy things we could give names to, like Craig or Matthew, but they never were real. They were just experiences, that renewed moment to moment. We experienced them with bodies because we mutually agreed they would seem to have bodies.

What is real about people then? The experiencers. The eternal, Divine, unborn, undying, nonmaterial, spaceless, timeless us whom we really are. That's what we are. When I don't experience my mother and father anymore as being linked to the image of soft flesh, it's just that my experience of them has changed; they're still just as much alive and eternal as they were when I identified them as fleshy.

Now, my experiences are different. They don't include the fleshy bodies for my mother and father that were in my experience before. But I can still communicate with my mother and father on the real level where we all exist. I just have to still myself and stop being engaged in the experiential, physical realm. When I quiet the noisy, physical realm, I can commune with them, because that's where we always were, and always will be, together. They're still the experiencers, having experiences of their own that are just not part of my experiences now, at least as flesh. I can still experience them in spirit.

What we're learning now from ADCs, NDEs, induced ADCs, and mediums, is what the mystics have been telling us for thousands of years--but we never listened. Now, science is coming around to saying, "You're never going to believe this, but the mystics were right!" And now we know that we are spiritual beings having physical experiences. When we quiet the physical experiences, we ease back into the spiritual beings we really are, and there we commune with all those we love, and with all those we know even now in the physical realm. We're never separated. We're all one. The greater reality, the spiritual realm, has no space, no time, no death, and no separation. But to have the experiences, we have to act as though we were separated, and believe we're separated. But that's just the illusion of the physical realm. It's like when we're engaged in the physical realm, everything breaks apart into fragments and opposites. It isn't really; it just seems that way so we can experience the parts and opposites. We play along with the illusion.

We are all one. Our loved ones have never left us; they're just having different experiences, and we're not experiencing them in the same way we did. And all we have to do to eliminate the fear of death, violence, hatred, and cruelty is to realize we're spiritual beings having physical experiences. All we have to do is realize that.

Love and peace, Craig


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