Greater Reality Forum

Message written by

kim marine
March 11, 2013 at 11:16:21:

Hi Dr. Hogan,

I once heard that when a magician does the the 'disappearing ball trick' our eyes are not fooled by the trick that is being performed. A ball is thrown in the air a couple of times and it then falls down to be caught by the magician. He then pretends to throw the ball a third time, but the ball actually remains in his hand. The eyes' of people observing the trick were being tracked and the eyes did not move as to notice anything going up, but our mind is what sees the ball thrown into the air. Please explain the difference between that kind of illusion and the kind of illusion that life challenges us with.
I have another question about illusions. My mother watches a show called 'Downton Abbey' I mistakeningly called it "Downtown Abbey" Do those kinds of things happen because people do not take enough time to look at what is actually before their eyes? Case in point; people think this world is physical because they do not take enopugh time to look at it deeply? love, kim  

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