Greater Reality Forum
What am I supposed to do with this gift/curse?

Message written by

Richard K.
September 07, 2005 at 06:32:47:

Good morning...

I visited your site a bit ago and found it interesting and intriguing. My curiosity piqued, I tried your remote viewing test just for grins. Well, on MCSA I was dead on with an outline drawing of the balloon and the ropes and the words cold and blue. It shook me up pretty good but I tried three more out of curiosity.

The second I was no where close except for a rough outline of the tracks, the third I was completely dead on again, and the fourth I didn't get at all except for the multitude of bright colors. At this point I felt it best not to push it and stopped as I was beginning to have too many thoughts and to anticipate.

If I understand your write-ups correctly, I have at least some remote viewing ability. To play with the thought that you might have an ability is one thing, but validating it is something else all together different. That's why it's shaken me up a little. Then again, for many years I've known I could do it, pretty much at will and there's a family history of it, but have denied it until now. In retrospect there are many instances that I can recount to support such a claim.

The thing is, until I took that little test of yours this morning I didn't take it seriously, it was just something I played with. Now it's as though this huge reality of being able to do something is confronting me up close and personal - in my face so to speak - and it's a bit frightening. Am I some kind of freak or something? I mean what am I supposed to do with this gift/curse? Any guidance you can offer is appreciated. Thanks....

Richard K.


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