Greater Reality Forum
Re: The Arbitrary nature of earth time

Message written by

May 01, 2013 at 00:49:17:

In Reply to
The Arbitrary nature of earth time
posted by
Carol Weekes
April 30, 2013 at 23:13:59:

Hi Carol,

Yes, I feel the same way you do. For me, I’ve learned so much about our eternal natures, the afterlife, and afterlife connections that all I want to do is speak about what I know, write about it, and use what I’ve learned to develop new ways of helping people connect. But I have to spend much of the day commenting on student papers for my online business writing school ( So I end up stealing time away from my writing school responsibilities to develop new afterlife materials. That puts me behind on assignments and I have to slave away until 2 a.m. to catch up. It’s been like that for years.

I am trying to learn how to say “No.” That has been difficult. I want to do everything, so I load up my schedule with all the things I really want to do. Then, when the time comes to do them all, the commitments transform from really great things to do into burdens I have to tolerate. Odd how that happens.

I do hope you find time to go through the Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure. It is helping people grow spiritually and make metaphysical discoveries. Those are added benefits I hadn’t anticipated when people could connect with loved ones repeatedly over time.

I’m now working on the procedures for connecting with the Higher Selves of people unable to communicate, such as people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, brain damage, and mental retardation. You’ll have to make time to go through that one too. :)

Love and peace, Craig

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