Greater Reality Forum
Re: opposites

Message written by

September 14, 2013 at 13:11:05:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
September 08, 2013 at 18:32:12:

Hi Kim,

That's really a weighty question.

We don't know about the millions of other planes. We know only the Earth plane and the planes into which people from the Earth plane go after the transition. In the planes that people enter after the Earth plane, the lower-level planes still have opposites. The reason is that people retain them in their minds. As a result, they continue to exist. They are sad and joyful, hateful and loving, accepting and rejecting, but these opposites are all in their minds. When the grow out of them, there is only love, joy, peace, acceptance, and happiness.

Love and peace, Craig


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