Greater Reality Forum
Re: Association with specific communities

Message written by

September 30, 2013 at 07:40:27:

In Reply to
Re: Association with specific communities
posted by
September 29, 2013 at 10:58:04:

Hi Craig,

Thank you for your quick response. By "associations", I meant relatively stable groups of people living in various kinds of local environments and circumstances. As far as I understand, people living on the same plane form sort of enormous "cell-like" structure of "minor realities" that fit their more private views about "ideal" reality, be it "English park", "Chinese countryside", or the "Amazon rainforest". These are further subdivided into even smaller "cells" formed by particular community groups... My question was inspired by a dilemma: by the nature of Afterlife, one is attracted to the loved ones but it does not necessarily implies that the "minor reality" in which the loved ones live before one's arrival, fits ideally one's spiritual nature or expectations. What happens if your loved ones meet you in a "minor reality" which is generaly OK for you but from which you'd like to migrate elsewhere - with her or him? (I don't mean migration between major (lower or higher) planes; it's a migration within the plane). Can it be done easily, are there such options? Can you see sort of a "catalogue" (sorry for too many rough metaphors) of available choices?

Thank you,



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