Greater Reality Forum
Re: conscience/conscious

Message written by

October 29, 2013 at 09:23:33:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
October 26, 2013 at 09:45:04:

Hi Kim,

Yes, as Amit Goswami said, "There is nothing but God." We are the mind or consciousness. The body is a avatar we use during Earth school. The world is the scenery for the dramas our minds play out. But all of it, including our minds, is the Source.

During Earth school, we are focused on the lessons we're learning through the changes we experience together. Our focus is what limits us. We plan to allow that focus on Earth school to dominate our consciousness, and we stay focused during our entire lives. We can choose to relax that focus and experience our unbridled consciousness that is whom we truly are, but just for brief periods. We then come back to the focus.

Love and peace, Craig

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