Greater Reality Forum
Remote viewing test

Message written by

Shawn judge
January 23, 2014 at 03:21:50:

Hi there. I was just researching remote viewing and came across the test page on your site.

I tried a couple tests being skeptical I didn't take the the time to draw or write anything down but after the first few I started to see images that had very close similarities and and after a few more I got to test EUGH.

Now I'm not sure how this is even possible but I swear if I were to draw the images you would of thought I looked at the picture first.

Now I'm really wondering if there is in anyway the letters have a way of triggering images. For example I have seen magic tricks done in similar fashion. For example if I gave you 3 colours red, blue, green

80 percent of people pick blue. So I'm wondering if the letters have any correlation?  

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