Greater Reality Forum
Re: holy spirit

Message written by

February 02, 2014 at 10:08:47:

In Reply to
holy spirit
posted by
kim marine
January 31, 2014 at 11:17:12:

Hi Kim,

The concept of the spirit of God or Holy Spirit was formulated by the Christian church in the fourth and fifth centuries CE. There were references to the spirit of God in the Old Testament, but they always referred to the presence of the one God, not to a separate being. The separate being that became part of the trinity was an invention of the church.

Today, we know the concept of the Holy Spirit is an antiquated view of God that is part of the incredibly complex, inscrutable doctrine of the trinity invented by the Christian church. The truth we now know is that the Source or Higher Power is not a person and cannot be divided into parts. As Amit Goswami said, "There is nothing but God." The creative Source of everything that is can't be limited to a superman. Everything is grounded in and created by the Source.

What people refer to as God or the Spirit of God or the Holy Ghost when they talk about hearing from God or being led by God is actually the Guides, Helpers, and loved ones on the other side who are continually guiding and helping us on the earth plane. They refer to themselves as the Instruments of God. In other words, the Source works through them, inspiring them, and they inspire us.

So yes, these inspirations come to people on every plane. They describe it as a great chain. We are led, comforted, guided, or inspired by those closest to the earth plane who are themselves inspired by individuals above them on other planes, who are themselves inspired by individuals above them on higher planes, and so on to the Higher Celestial beings. Everyone, on every plane, at every level, is inspired by others at higher levels. In that sense, the Holy Spirit, as the inspiration of the creative Source comes from individuals at higher levels to individuals at lower levels is present on every plane of existence.

Love and peace, Craig


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