Greater Reality Forum
Re: flesh counts for nothing

Message written by

May 05, 2014 at 21:02:29:

In Reply to
Re: flesh counts for nothing
posted by
kim marine
May 02, 2014 at 17:33:11:

Hi Kim,

I believe that the message you were receiving was that during the parts of your NDE that were not positive, you were in your human condition, not in the realm of spirit. In the human condition, people have nightmares and fears and all kinds of strange things.

But it is true, that in our lives, all those negative things are our creations. What I mean by that is that we can have love and bliss regardless of what is going on in the physical realm. Or, we can have fear, anxiety, and hopelessness regardless of how positive the physical realm situation. All of it is in our minds.

Love and peace, Craig

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