Greater Reality Forum
Re: subconscious

Message written by

July 27, 2014 at 11:06:34:

In Reply to
posted by
kim marine
July 26, 2014 at 10:17:47:

Hi Kim,

The "subconscious" isn't actually a part of the mind. It's a construct theorists made up as a container for all the messages a person receives that aren't accountable for by the conscious mind. It's better to realize that the mind isn't in the brain, and we are one consciousness with all other consciousnesses: the Source, other Higher Selves, our guides, and our loved ones living in other realms.

Messages are constantly coming to us to help us live lives in which we learn lessons and are content. To understand those messages, we have to bring them into the ordinary everyday consciousness in which we make decisions. That just requires shutting down the ordinary consciousness and being open to receiving the messages from the other parts of our one consciousness. Then we can come back from that shut down state and use what we've learned in making decisions.

Meditation shuts down the ordinary consciousness. Procedures like Repair & Reattachment Therapy (Guided Afterlife Connections) and Self-Guided Afterlife Connections do the same thing. Once someone has learned how to shut down ordinary consciousness to receive the messages that come from the other sources, we become more attuned to receiving those messages at an time, without having to work at shutting down ordinary consciousness. The guidance and messages become part of our everyday lives.

Love and peace, Craig


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